
Showing posts from July, 2017

Reflection on Artifact #2 - eLearning Unit

My eLearning unit has definitely taught me a great deal. As I went through the process of developing a unit of study for my students, I found myself considering what would flow well for my students and be beneficial for their entire lives. So often, in special education, we are asked, "When are we ever going to use this?" I wanted to be able to show and teach my students about something they would be able to use their entire lives. When I considered this, I decided to make a unit from my health curriculum that I taught. As I was going through the entire unit, I enjoyed the process in which it took me through. I felt a great sense of ownership once I was complete. The process really made me take a step back and internally debate if I have everything I need to provide my students the best opportunity for this unit. I enjoyed that because it really made me focus on thinking about my students. It made me focus on the parts I needed to include, to make sure my students were going...

Reflection on Artifact #1 - Kahoot! Game

As I think about this artifact that I have created and the powerful tool it can be used as, I can't help but think about the importance it has in an online setting, as well as a face-to-face setting. I enjoyed creating this artifact for our class because it reminded me about the importance of assessing learning, as well as the importance of having fun in the classroom. Often times, we feel that education isn't meant to be fun, or can't be fun. However; with rediscovering the Kahoot! assessment tool, I have remembered the love for it. I also learned that there are many different types of Kahoot! templates, and you can actually utilize Kahoot! for instruction, instead of assessment; which is one thing I definitely plan to utilize in the future. The tools that are at your disposal when utilizing Kahoot! are limitless. As much as I enjoyed creating Kahoot! games for my students, I know for a fact that my students enjoyed playing them even more. When I was creating my nutrition...

eLearning Unit

Unit Plan   **This part will face-to-face ** Here is a  link to my completed unit plan. As I went through the unit, I wanted to illustrate the importance of keeping a balanced and healthy diet not only now, but in my student's future as well. I wanted to give them the tools required to make good food choices in the future. Assessments ** This part will be online ** Here is a  link to my Kahoot! that I will use to assess m y students. This Kahoot! will be a great way for me to see which students are grasping the concepts, and which students are not. I enjoy using Kahoot! as an assessment tool because it allows me to see which students have gotten exactly which questions wrong. Also, it allows me to see if some questions are unfair, and misleading. The following  link will illustrate the tool that I will utilize to assess my students. You will see the steps to access this assessment below. Step 1 : Step 2 :

Assessment for Kahoot!

Number of Questions Answered Correctly 10 – 9 8 – 7 6 – 4 3 – 0 Grade Received A B C D Rationale Student illustrated strong command over the material covered in the unit. Student illustrated moderate command over the material covered in the unit. Student illustrated some command over the material covered in the unit. Student showed little to no command over the material covered in the unit.

Unit Plan

Unit overview: Students will learn the importance of eating properly and the impact it has on their life. Connections to Previous Learning: Students have previously learned in health class the importance of making good choices that effect their life. Eating healthy and paying attention to the food pyramid is another way they can make healthy choices for life. Focus of the Unit: I will be focusing on the various food groups on the food pyramid, also known as, My Pyramid. I will teach the students how they can modify the intake of their food for their specific needs and requirements to be healthy.   Connections to Subsequent Learning: This eating healthy unit will connect to the following units that promote healthy lifestyles, such as: staying away from drugs, minimizing risky life choices, and keeping their pyramid of social, physical, and mental health right. Desired Outcomes Standard(s)—include content and iNACOL: - 22.D.4a Iden...