Reflection on Artifact #2 - eLearning Unit

My eLearning unit has definitely taught me a great deal. As I went through the process of developing a unit of study for my students, I found myself considering what would flow well for my students and be beneficial for their entire lives. So often, in special education, we are asked, "When are we ever going to use this?" I wanted to be able to show and teach my students about something they would be able to use their entire lives. When I considered this, I decided to make a unit from my health curriculum that I taught. As I was going through the entire unit, I enjoyed the process in which it took me through. I felt a great sense of ownership once I was complete. The process really made me take a step back and internally debate if I have everything I need to provide my students the best opportunity for this unit. I enjoyed that because it really made me focus on thinking about my students. It made me focus on the parts I needed to include, to make sure my students were going...