
Artifact #2

This  is another artifact that I really enjoyed reading. It is an article about the benefits of bringing technology to the classroom. Often times, teachers may think that technology only has a couple of benefits, however, that is a misconception. One of my favorite parts about the article was when the author talked about the improved collaboration. The ability for someone to help another individual is immensely powerful. If we teach our students the power of collaboration and how to utilize that tool, they will be more successful in their futures. They will find more success when they graduate and head on to their next professional step. Whether that is college or the work force; cooperation and collaboration is among the most important skills to be successful in life.

Artifact #1

This  is the first artifact that I have decided to talk about. It is a great article correlating technology and how to implement those strategies. I really enjoyed reading this article because it was great seeing new and innovative ways to get students excited about learning, or various ways to engage students in the material I am teaching. One of the thoughts I really liked was reading about playing podcasts in the classroom. Often times, when you implement a new form of technology into your classroom, you can really start to see more of your students shine. I really liked what the author said about finding podcasts that are professors giving lectures. My students might be able to find, or gain, a different knowledge on certain problems in my math class. Some teachers will teach material differently, and I am definitely behind giving my students different perspectives.

Course Reflection

Throughout the previous weeks, I have learned a great deal of information that will be immensely beneficial to my classroom. I always enjoy learning about new techniques that can be implemented in my classroom. With the way students prefer to learn in our classroom, technology and multimedia are becoming more and more important for educators to utilize, to make sure they are giving the best possible educational experience to their students. I liked that I learned a variety of multimedia tools, ranging from: reading audio files to creating screencasts. These tools can enhance my student's learning experience in my class. I think my favorite section was the section about the screencasting. Screencasting is a really neat way to increase chances of students solidifying the information they're learning in class. I really enjoyed it because it gave a fun new approach to educating students in the classroom. I will continue to learn about various multimedia tools that I can implement...

Graphic Design

       There are many different reasons that the addition of graphic designs in the classroom can be beneficial. One of the biggest reasons that it can benefit the classroom is due to the fact that some students learn best visually. Within our class, we will have each and every student learn in a different manner. If we add graphic designs, it will help us reach more of our base and will help more of our students, and will increase the chances of success for those students. Graphic designs can help create connections in the material that otherwise wouldn't have been made. It will allow visual learners to understand, and commit to memory, the information you're presenting to your students.         My students, specifically, learn best when I walk through the problems on the board, and illustrated each individual step in a different color. For example, if I have a 3 step math problem, the first step I will complete in blue, the second step I will c...

Reflection on Artifact #2 - eLearning Unit

My eLearning unit has definitely taught me a great deal. As I went through the process of developing a unit of study for my students, I found myself considering what would flow well for my students and be beneficial for their entire lives. So often, in special education, we are asked, "When are we ever going to use this?" I wanted to be able to show and teach my students about something they would be able to use their entire lives. When I considered this, I decided to make a unit from my health curriculum that I taught. As I was going through the entire unit, I enjoyed the process in which it took me through. I felt a great sense of ownership once I was complete. The process really made me take a step back and internally debate if I have everything I need to provide my students the best opportunity for this unit. I enjoyed that because it really made me focus on thinking about my students. It made me focus on the parts I needed to include, to make sure my students were going...

Reflection on Artifact #1 - Kahoot! Game

As I think about this artifact that I have created and the powerful tool it can be used as, I can't help but think about the importance it has in an online setting, as well as a face-to-face setting. I enjoyed creating this artifact for our class because it reminded me about the importance of assessing learning, as well as the importance of having fun in the classroom. Often times, we feel that education isn't meant to be fun, or can't be fun. However; with rediscovering the Kahoot! assessment tool, I have remembered the love for it. I also learned that there are many different types of Kahoot! templates, and you can actually utilize Kahoot! for instruction, instead of assessment; which is one thing I definitely plan to utilize in the future. The tools that are at your disposal when utilizing Kahoot! are limitless. As much as I enjoyed creating Kahoot! games for my students, I know for a fact that my students enjoyed playing them even more. When I was creating my nutrition...

eLearning Unit

Unit Plan   **This part will face-to-face ** Here is a  link to my completed unit plan. As I went through the unit, I wanted to illustrate the importance of keeping a balanced and healthy diet not only now, but in my student's future as well. I wanted to give them the tools required to make good food choices in the future. Assessments ** This part will be online ** Here is a  link to my Kahoot! that I will use to assess m y students. This Kahoot! will be a great way for me to see which students are grasping the concepts, and which students are not. I enjoy using Kahoot! as an assessment tool because it allows me to see which students have gotten exactly which questions wrong. Also, it allows me to see if some questions are unfair, and misleading. The following  link will illustrate the tool that I will utilize to assess my students. You will see the steps to access this assessment below. Step 1 : Step 2 :